Saturday, October 26, 2019


Diwali is a festival of sweets & lights
Overcoming the darkness brighten the sight
Won't get a better occasion to stop mental fight
Being positive & happy will make you achieve heights

Think & understand the positive & negative feelings
Distinguish them & find out root cause of this dealing
Results into you being user of this negative billing
Concentrate on positive feeling to uplift mental healing

Is it not easy to smile & feel lighter?
Is it not right to speak truth & feel stronger?
Is it not correct to take opinions & respect others?
I sway it's wonderful & divine to stay grounded to earth mother

©Sushant Kunkolinker

Monday, October 21, 2019


The gravitational force keeps the planets around sun
Self rotating &intern revolving around sun completes a run
Same force keeps us all grounded & let's us enjoy the fun
Actually there are multiple effects, that's not the only one

Moon revolve around earth, complete cycle every 24 hours
Are we human not having effect of this implacable power?
Action has it reaction, is it only just studied & covered?
What we do comes back to us completing rotational tour

If it is all tested & proven, why don't we practice it all over?
Love brings more love, care brings more care at your door
Why we become selfish&greedy eventually affecting core?
Negative thinking resonates feeling & hamper it even more

Be ready to help someone, be ready to donate someone
Be ready to make people smile, pray & think good for them
If you practice this? Get ready to receive it back in multiple
So if you can attract good why to worry about bad ha??

©Sushant Kunkolinker

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Let's just give a moment to appreciate nature
I see around me these beautiful flowers
Full of life & unconditional service to mankind
Isn't it our responsibility to water it? Alas it's hardly found

Nature has its own law, sunrise to sunset
Flower bloom in morning & close in evenings
Spreads fragrance & livelihood for living being
It's leaves give pleasure to eyes and flower makes us sing

Why is the flower used from birth till death of human?
It helps in attracting divine vibration in the ritual area
Creator has also blessed it with nectar in turn make honey
& we are trespassers of lord just running after money

Now it's time to learn something from this lovely nature
The joy of giving, smiling without worrying about future
Lighting other by self burning will give persona lustre
Think twice, listen twice, talk less and be more mature

Monday, October 14, 2019


My words fall short in front of the mighty creator
Gifted us human with such beautiful senses
Are we really using them effectively? Rather exploiting them?
Forget using are we really grateful to have them?

Our vision, it is all physical we see
Do we really see what we see?
Our is it our mind & ear directions what we see?
Needs imaginary filter to sort what is shown&seen

Our ears, is it trained to filter noise & music?
Music is not only played by instrument & artists
Noise is not only created by vehicles or machines
Needs imaginary filter to sort real & talks filled with honey tin

Singular our mouth, why we have only one?
God wants us to listen twice, see twice and talk a little by son
We just can't talk anything & fly like free bird
Needs an imaginary filter to sort bad & good word

Knowingly or unknowingly we are nomads revolving on circumference
Just thinking about it won't make any difference
Psychology, emotionality, physicality & spirituality is the reference
If not understood now we can't stop devils from occurence.